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The scope of our system expertise

We are able to advise and lead in the following implementation design activities:

- The design / configuration of the various sub-modules that make up the FI and CO application modules as shown below, to support the clients business process requirements. Click on either thumbnail to see full detail.

  Slide1.GIF (60403 bytes)  Slide2.GIF (60845 bytes)

- The design / configuration of the many integration areas that link the FI and CO modules to all other application modules. 

The importance of system integration can be demonstrated by examining a typical business process, attributing each of the process steps to the responsible SAP module, and showing which other modules are also affected. We have done this for a typical procurement process (although not involving E-Commerce technology in this example) as you can see by clicking on the thumbnail below.

implem1.gif (16548 bytes)

    MM-P is Materials Management Purchasing
    MM-Inv is Materials Management Inventory Management
    WM is Warehouse Management

    FI-AP is Finance Accounts Payable
    FI-GL is Finance General Ledger  

    CO-CCA is Controlling Cost Centre Accounting
    CO-IO is Controlling Internal Orders 

    TR is Treasury

The range of our project involvement

With a vast experience of full project life cycles, we are able to assist or lead  in the implementation of the SAP R/3TM financial modules at any stage in the project life cycle. 
- The range of expertise extends from the early stages of 'As-Is' business process analysis and mapping to the 'To-Be' SAP process models, through the system design, build and testing, through to integration testing, user acceptance testing and 'go-live'. We are also happy produce the detailed system and end-user documentation as required. 
- This involvement can also include an extended period of ELS (Early Live Support) with follow-up user training, post implementation reviews and business process enhancement workshops.
- In parallel to the key implementation activities, we are also able to support or lead on all related data conversion and system interface projects. The co-ordination of the conversion activities with the new business process design is vital to ensure that the mapping of legacy system data is in line with the requirements of the 'To-Be' SAP processes.

Regardless of which methodologies and logo business partners are in place, we are able to adapt to any standards and project plans that are required. If assistance is needed with the implementation planning and management, then this can also be provided. 

In carrying out these critical implementation activities our experience and levels of excellence will ensure that high levels of knowledge transfer will take place with the clients own team members. This, supported by the system documentation, will leave the client in perfect shape to support their own systems after the implementation project is completed. 

We place a great deal of emphasis in the communication process at all stages of the implementation cycle. We recognise the importance in being able to focus on the right audiences for key communications, and in being able to use the right language within each communication to ensure that the message is clear and concise. 



Last modified: September 01, 2003